
Friday, October 25, 2019

Holes poster

WALT:Do work at a high standard consistently

Reflection:This is the postedasdar that me and my friend Dylan made that corresponds to the movie Holes.this was easy to do when you know how to use cause that what we used to get rid of the white background on the lizard.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Climate Change

WALT: summarise our work at a high standard (BTW go to slide 4)

Monday, September 2, 2019


WALT:use BEDMAS to solve algebraic equations v

Thursday, August 29, 2019


WALT:summerise the text in our own words

Monday, August 26, 2019


WALT:solve algebraic equations Reflection:bedmas is used in maths in algebra bedmas evolves around all of the subjects of math Multiplication,division,subtraction and addition

Monday, August 19, 2019

Film making

WALT create a short film

Reflection:doing this film making stuff was new to me and to do with my friends and with a few girls made better than i thought. when we were setting up the person teaching us (Harley) gave a choice of what jobs we wanted to do. my job was being a camera man and say my line "Camera rolling".Dylan's job was the clapper loader, and this was the most wanted job as all you had to do is to say your line example "Scene 1 take 1"and slap a board together. along with the other jobs director and sound recorder are quite simple but play a big part in the film making series.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

WALT:to summerise the text in our own words

Thursday, June 27, 2019


WALT:think critically about a range of texts by summariseing ansd evaluating new infomation. reflection:for the last two weeks, we have been working and learning about the human brain,zodiac signs,astrology and gravitational pull. Dylan and I have been working collaboratively on our slide. We also were working on the solar system and what make a good sleep. I really that working with a friend is the way to go because the both of you have more knowledge together.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Friday, May 31, 2019

Bouncy Eggs

                                 WALT:Make bouncy eggs and test them four days after
Reflection:First we experimented with a original egg from different heights and they all failed but the grass did not break so easily.
How this works is you put a normal egg into a jar full of vinegar and the carbon dioxide cooks the inside of the egg and that is what makes it bouncy.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Team Building

                                       WALT: show our school values during team building
Reflection:I found this fun to do with my friends Cameron,Dylan,Richie and I throwing marshmallows around.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Kia tika/respect

                                        Walt:show our values of our school and cope with one another

                                              reflection:kia tika/respect is a big thing in our school curriculum
                                            and should be used inside of school and the outside of school and it is
                                           what balance's the ignorant from the positive.

Friday, May 3, 2019

WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly
Reflection:I found this fun to do with my friends we learned alot about the bones in our body

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Complex and Compound 
WALT:to use complex and compound sentences in our work
Reflection:i found this easy and fun to do with friends because we always com up with funny sentences
Te Tiriti O Waitangi
 WALT:we are learning about the treaty of waitangi and making slides about it
Reflection:I found this fun to do and I enjoyed doing this with my class