
Friday, May 31, 2019

Bouncy Eggs

                                 WALT:Make bouncy eggs and test them four days after
Reflection:First we experimented with a original egg from different heights and they all failed but the grass did not break so easily.
How this works is you put a normal egg into a jar full of vinegar and the carbon dioxide cooks the inside of the egg and that is what makes it bouncy.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Team Building

                                       WALT: show our school values during team building
Reflection:I found this fun to do with my friends Cameron,Dylan,Richie and I throwing marshmallows around.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Kia tika/respect

                                        Walt:show our values of our school and cope with one another

                                              reflection:kia tika/respect is a big thing in our school curriculum
                                            and should be used inside of school and the outside of school and it is
                                           what balance's the ignorant from the positive.

Friday, May 3, 2019

WALT: think critically about texts and respond accordingly
Reflection:I found this fun to do with my friends we learned alot about the bones in our body